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荷兰皇家壳牌集团Alexander van der Made博士应邀来我校350vip8888新葡的京集团进行学术交流



  2018年11月20日,荷兰皇家壳牌集团新能源技术高级首席顾问Alexander van der Made博士受350vip8888新葡的京集团邀请,来我校进行学术交流,在5号教学楼906会议室做了题为“Status of and Perspectives for Power to Liquids (PTL) Fuels (and Chemicals)”的学术报告。




  荷兰皇家壳牌集团(Royal Dutch /Shell Group of Companies),是目前世界第一大石油公司,总部位于荷兰海牙和英国伦敦,由荷兰皇家石油与英国壳牌两家公司合并组成,是国际上主要的石油、天然气和石油化工的生产商,同时也是全球最大的汽车燃油和润滑油零售商。Alexander van der Made博士此行主要为同学们介绍了当前全球面临的环境问题,能源危机以及对可持续发展的二次能源的迫切需求。与同学们分享了利用当前最便宜易得的可再生能源太阳能配合清洁的二次电池能源实现一系列的能源转化,最终获得化学能源,缓解能源短缺等问题的新型能源转换策略。随后,Alexander博士针对同学们提出的问题做了详细的解答,并鼓励同学们坚持做好二次电池关键材料的相关研究。



  Alexander was born in 1960 in the Netherlands and graduated cum laude in 1988 from Utrecht University (The Netherlands) with an MSc in Chemistry/Biology and a PhD in Chemistry. Since 2003 he also holds an MBA from Rochester University (USA) and Nyenrode Business School (The Netherlands).

  He joined Shell in 1989 and has worked in Amsterdam, Houston, Louvain la Neuve, London, Rotterdam, Beijing in various roles ranging from fundamental research, process development, manufacturing, innovation management, strategy development and setting up external technology collaborations. Since 2009 he is involved as a senior principal scientific advisor to Shell’s New Energy Technologies group.
